Camp NaNoWriMo July 2023: Week 2 Recap

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2023: Week 2 Recap

I think the second week of NaNoWriMo, whether it’s the November event or one of the Camps, is always the hardest. The shiny ne wfeeling sof week one is gone, you’re not over the halfway mark yet, and the rest of the month stretches before you in a...
Camp NaNoWriMo July 2023: Week 2 Recap

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2023: Week 1 Recap

NaNoWriMo is easily one of my favorite writing events. I was even a Municipal Liaison for my region for a few years. If you don’t know, NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month and takes place every November. In the month, writers race to write 50k....